Originally Posted by gguruusa
When you get "Internal Error - needs mutex", it's because you cancelled a build and then started a new one before the old one really terminated. Yes, it's a known bug. I'll fix it one of these days. In the meantime, The best way to tell when it is safe to start a new build after cancelling a prior one is to pay attention to the BuildStatus window.
I'm complete confused by your comentary vs the log. According to the log, NBHgen ran fine. I can only assume, based on the mutex error listed above, that you are cancelling builds rather frequently, and the NBHgen error is occurring after you have cancelled a build and started a new one. If so, this is because the file which NBHgen needs to operate on is deleted at the start of the new build.
I didnt cancel a build nor do I cancel builds quite often...I cannot get the NBHgen tool to run at all. I create a kitchen, build it, then run the nbhgen...and just get an error...