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Old 03-26-2008, 08:48 PM
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Re: nueMMS - beta test sprint workaround

Originally Posted by qbunnie View Post
You have to have an email account set up in poutlook. But it can link to any email account (POP3, IMAP, or Exchange)

Just to let you know, it is illegal, so be careful. That being said, I am curious. My advice would be to use an ESN for an Sprint phone that is at least EV-DO capable. That way, data usage won't look so fishy. A Razr V3m ESN for example. Even better would be a smartphone that does have MMS (maybe a blackberry's ESN?). I have no idea how their end sees ESN's so I can't confirm on that method working, but there it is. Good luck.
yeah i know.. it may be illegal, which itself is laughable, but at least its not immoral, like sprints disabling of mms on a 600$ phone.

ive got a a900 cloned now for a "barphone" and ive got a v9m with a clean ESN that ive been trying to replace the a900 with. the v9ms esn is apparently impossible to change without the expensive hardware so needless to say i was excited when i saw that post.

does anyone have WMDC 6.1 64bit? giving vista another shot and apparently forgot to save the installation file i had for it.. unable to download it from the website...
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