Originally Posted by jamesjay
My clock keeps on reseting two hours back on every soft reset, also how can I remove the date from the top bar?
Download Schap's Advanced Config tool (a sticky in the Dev & Hacking forum over on XDA). There are many settings you can change for the clock.
Originally Posted by othersteve
A couple of quick questions...
1) Is there an easy way to keep all my contacts/appointments/tasks etc that I have on my phone now (using stock 3.35 ROM), flash to this ROM, and then reload everything?
DotFred's PPC Pim Backup (a sticky in the Dev & Hacking forum over on XDA).
Originally Posted by othersteve
2) I have purchased and installed probably a dozen applications, most of which are SPB products, plus Memmaid, and the Resco Utility Package. Will there be any problems reinstalling these once I am finished flashing?
No. You just need to re-enter the serial numbers for each.
Originally Posted by othersteve
3) Does it REALLY make that big of a difference in terms of performance and memory (3.35 stock vs. no2chem's ROM)?
I have found no2chem's ROM to be much better than the stock once I load all of my programs.
Originally Posted by othersteve
Thanks to all for the help. I still doubt I will do this because it just seems far too intimidating, even for a computer geek like myself.
Don't be imtimidated. If you follow the Upgrade stickies then you should have no problems. Be sure to read a ton and search for any questions you have.