Originally Posted by Bobvark
I've searched for two days, looking for registry tweaks to
1) area code
2) Display the clock on the title bar in all programs (I know there is a check box but wanted the registry entry)
3) set homepage
4) set camera review time to no review
5) remove the sliding sound
yes, I know how to do it all manually but wanted the registry tweaks to use with the new kitchen...
finally is there any way to get the signature in? I've searched through the registry several times, I can't figure out where that is stored...
Area Code: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\AddrBook\Default_Area = "316"
Set Hompepage: HKLM\Software\MicroSoft\InternetExplorer\home = "http//www.whatever.com"
Got 2 out of 5.