Originally Posted by Jim
Not Flaming or anything...but if tethering for primary internet becomes widespread...I fear Sprint will be "fixing" that problem so everyone that tethers because their hotel doesn't have broadband, or on vacation, or as a backup if their main ISP goes down...will no longer be able to do so without huge charges or a high monthly plan.
Again, not pointing fingers, but I hope you at least have a tethering plan if you are going to use the phone as your primary ISP.
Point taken. I respectfully disagree though, if this was a concern of theirs then the feature would be more diligently addressed. I purchased the phone and copied a 100k file to the device. With no hacking I was able to utilize it in this manner. I call this use as intended, regardless of how they want to code it otherwise. If I had to reverse engineer to do so, I would agree with you. If they thought the same way it would be much more difficult to get this to work.
Not a debate for this thread however.
Originally Posted by saumaun
I would THINK this is normal if you are tethering for long periods of time. The program uses ALOT of battery, and it is possible that your phone overheated. If that happens, I would make sure to let the phone cool.
I was utilizing this same feature with my Touch for several months over USB and never had an issue. This leads me to believe that it is either hardware or ROM centric as problem.