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Old 03-24-2008, 11:14 PM
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Re: More WM6 friendly SMS Threader

Originally Posted by allofthepeople View Post
I just flashed my first hacked rom today (nochem's, great job but i guess just not for me) mainly to get the built in threaded sms. I really didnt like not having my sprint stuff on there. I didnt really feel like there were any added features that I saw really besides the threaded sms. I previously used the HTC contact manager and loved the sms program but I hate the huge lag and how it really wasn't built into the system and another program I downloaded that someone ripped from a palm wasnt either especially since it included a lot of mms features that are pointless on the mogul. anyone have any sms threaders that are more system friendly like in wm6.1?
Using the basekit, you can customize the no2chem mod with whatever you want..

as for SMS..there is Vito SMS chat..but it is paid($15):

Last edited by gTen; 04-14-2011 at 01:48 PM.
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