Customizing kitchen boot logo...
For those interested in customizing the boot logo in the ROM kitchen, here are the approximate steps:
1. Obtain a hex editor (I used WinHex in this case)
2. Create your boot logo using the nb_image_converter in the Apache Splash package. The resulting file is a .nb file that you use below.
3. Open .\rom\ from the rom kitchen in your hex editor
4. Open the .nb boot image in your hex editor
5. Have your hex editor select the entire contents of the .nb boot image, and select copy. (In WinHex this is Edit -> Copy All -> Normally )
6. In the session of your hex editor, go to HEX 3f00000 (in WinHex this is Position -> Go To Offset)
7. Tell your hex editor to write (not insert or paste) the contents from the clipboard (in WinHex this is Edit -> Clipboard Data -> Write (not paste))
8. Save the resulting file
Since this edits the source file that the kitchen builds on, all future ROMs you make with your kitchen will now include your boot logo automatically.
These same steps can be used to edit your post-cooked file just before you convert the file to nk.nbf for deployment.
Hex editors vary, so the commands may differ for the editor you use. Make sure you backup your .\rom\ incase it gets nuked by this process.