Anyone else notice dramatically improved battery life?
I haven't charged my phone since I flashed it on the 30th. I've talked on it for about an hour, browsed on EVDO for about half an hour, the rest was standby.
Its at 50% right now.
Call me crazy... but I don't remember this thing ever living past 3 days on standby, even if I didn't use it at all...
I've also noticed that the screen doesn't randomly power itself on anymore as long as ActiveSync isn't running.
Closing applications is ridiculously fast now too. I click to close all apps and there is absolutely no spinner. It just does it.
RAM usage is MUCH lower now as well. And it doesn't seem to have a "leak" effect where opening applications and closing them would slowly but surely keep releasing less and less RAM until you had to soft reset the device.
Best part is that it boots hella fast now and it hasn't frozen once. No glitches on the SD side either, even opening Opera and putting the phone immediately into standby mode, something that ALWAYS made me have to soft reset before.
More bravo is needed on this one in my opinion!

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