Originally Posted by Lsme420
I think what that is saying is that the 60711 PRL is also in the SCM_3.10.014.msi firmware update for the Datacards that link is to. Datacards work off the same towers if I'm not mistaken. Sprint is always late on the PRLs they put out but the link above says nothing to me about my phones. A few different PPC forums are talking about this. Lots of people are running it with no ill effects.The last PRL# at www.sprint.com/downloads -- Windows Mobile (ce) Mogul by HTC Software Update was 60608 thats a long time ago 03/30/2007.........................
Software Version: 2.17.651.0
Radio Version: 1.47.01
PRL Version: 60608....
I run...
Software Version: 3.16.651.0
Radio Version: 3.27.00
PRL Version: 60711....
I had a roaming problem with my Mogul and just had Sprint customer service to upgrade the PRL. Could you enlighten me how to know my current PRL version from the phone?