I used your kitchens 3.3 and 3.5 and did a bit of troubleshooting with the OEMs. The one that i think is causing the problem at this point is the ms2_usbfn.dll package. It seems whenever the following key is entered it locks lots of stuff up randomly and it is unstable:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\Usbfn]
I have tried using different drivers and changed MemBase to IoBase (and MemLen to IoLen) as that seems to be how all other 3.5 entries are. Also tried different addresses. I am able to get it to be stable with different IoBases or drivers, but nothing seems to get the USB to be recognized. The lights and charging work like normal though (with most combinations
Sorry for holding out earlier. I was sparing the details thinking i was almost there, but since i didn't get it last night i wasn't as close as i thought. I know we have lots of other great minds out here (very glad helmi_c is on the case!) so hopefully this will help us get a solution more quickly!