Re: Apache WM6.1 Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19716 (Build 19716.1.0.0) - UPDATED 20080308
SO......why would I wanna take my sweet, stable 6.0 setup and whack it for 6.1? What's the new kitchen doing for us? Synapsis of changes/updates/fixes/patches/anything else pertinent?
Also, I'm wondering if the main splash screen displays the narrow ppcgeeks banner at the top like it did with 6.0?
And what's with the offset crosshairs on the main splash image preview up on the toolbar? Is that showing me what's actually donna display? If I choose a 240 x 320 image I should get the whole darn thing, and not what's "in the crosshairs" so to speak, right?
AND, I'm wondering......with the 6.0 kitchen..POP/IMAP settings cooked in didn't "take" completely and had to be finished manually. Has this been addressed in the new ver?
Is there a bug thread for this kitchen? I found that the description bubble for the 6 button comm manager for the apache and titan are blank. I'm wondering what 6 buttons I'm gonna get. I see I can right clik on an OEM and actually get OEM info now.......that's good.
Last edited by Sarge, USMC; 03-23-2008 at 09:52 PM.