Originally Posted by artlan
Okay, I dunno if it's this new ROM, or something I tried from a few posts back, but my Bluetooth OBEX is now working again when initiated from other devices! WOOT! Even though I had turned Beam off and on many MANY times from the control panel, nothing worked. Then I saw rgv_warrior accessed beam from the Comm Manager via the Advanced config... I guess I hadn't explored that thing as much as I thought, so I went back and found that section. Then from Comm Man. I turned beam off and bluetooth on, just as a test. Got "Service Not Supported" again. Turned Beam back on and WHAM, files and contacts worked again! Dunno how or why doing it there was different... but it work :3 Soooo happy!
I still am unable to use my stereo bluetooth headset with this build.

It works the first time I pair, but then the audio portion doesn't work on subsequent pairings. I REALLLLLlllllllLLly wish no2chem could get this fixed!