1. Bluetooth worked after a couple resets. However using A2DP over it, once the backlight shut off, the btooth died, nothing but a reset got it back, and it still went south when the backlight shut off. A2DP didnt work any better or worse than w/ .3 and .2 roms {boo hoo}....
2. Seems the timesynch DOES indeed work. You just have to be patient. A couple hard resets today, and a couple times not bothering to manually update the time, and I found that after about 10 minutes the silly bugger does fetch time automatically. Even better, once the clock gets synched up email goes ahead and downloads. Does this on this rom, as well as colonels, so the previously pointed out "problem" isnt really one at all. Setting the checkbox on will indeed get the phone to go fetch time from the network, just be patient and let it "get around to it".
3. thanks. I know nobody uses msn, but hey, my wife does and we all know who the real boss is
. Simpler to put it back on the device than to explain to her that it sux rocks... snicker.