Originally Posted by babair
ok reset button being hwat? im holding them nothing is coming up...... im stuck on windows mobile screen. i have no2chems 5058 on it mobiule 6.1 on windows mobile bootup screen hold both push power button nothing. hold both soft keys nopthing happens on screen.
Hmmm, this is a bit...
Lay the phone on it's back with it's bottom (the part that have the holes) facing you. Look at the memory card slot (the small rectangular slot that is approx 1/16" by 1/2"). Below this slot towards the leftmost side you should see a hole. This is the reset button. To use this button you will insert your stylus (the little pen thing that you use to point and write on your screen) into the hole and press.
First, Hold the 2 white buttons with the little white dot. While holding, press and release the reset button but don't let go of the white buttons untill the screen turns gray. Follow the on screen directions from there.