Originally Posted by Exil3d
I played with VZ Titan at my local VZ booth. First thing i noticed is the gay faded blue color.Second was it also was 24 megs of ram available at startup. I though VZ was going to have 96 megs instead of 64. So in a nutshell, it looks terrible and performs terrible just like the Mogul. IMO ofcourse.
Sorry you feel that way..
I wish it had more RAM as well, but 24MB of RAM never stopped me from using my 6800.
The truth is.. no matter what device you get.. there are always a limits.
64MB of RAM can never do what 128MB RAM can.. and 128MB of RAM can not do what 256MB can.. and so on.
However, the important part is not about what my 6800 can not do.. but rather what it CAN do.
Just know your device's limits.. and play within that limits.. and you will be fine.