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Old 02-02-2007, 01:49 PM
BakCompat's Avatar
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file naming conventions for posted files

Ok, trying to track down all the rapidshare files and get them uploaded to the ftp has already proven a bit trying. Getting them each is not a problem since i've got a whole class C subnet i can change my static Ip to in order to trick Rapidshare into letting me download them faster than one per hour.. But wow, there are so many similar filenames its already taken more time. This doesn't even go into the rom files using the same base files having the same internal codenames and exterior descriptions.. (bah) So, may i suggest some naming conventions for files posted either online, or now to the ftp site.

This will save time for those seeking the requisite files...
So, input is welcome, but descriptive filenames would really help...

specifically for ROMs,

Apache_AKU_<AKU version>_<release_version>_<special_notation>_<cre ator_name>

which would equate to something like this:


So, we have an Apache rom with AKU 3.3 which is my 4th public beta release, and has Voice Dial removed.

Now, "special_notation" could easily bloat to many many listings, in which case a README file would be appropriate for what is changed in the ROM.

As for actual README files, i would recommend that the text include what the file is originally based off of, letting us know where it has branched from. Then, what hacks are integrated, software removed, software added, known issues, bugfixes, etc.

Lots of room here of course, and hackers are not normally know for their gifts in writing high quality documentation. For the users, it certainly helps, and should cut down on the inevitable "I'm a n00B, what's the best firmware for me to use?" questions.

Let's remember that with all beta software, there is no "best", merely different preferences of configurations by all the people involved.

With useful naming conventions and decent READMEs the forums should show a bit less clutter.. I'd like to see some comments or requests for naming conventions that i have overlooked. As always, everybody's got their preferences, but i'm recommending this with an eye to multiple maintained ROMs in easily navigable heirarchichal folders on the ftp site.
Sprint PPC-6700
AKU - different every couple days
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