bluetooth and voicemail
unless I'm mistaken...I thought I saw a thread here about bluetooth.. if I didn't then I mmust be loosing it again.
anyways , Houston, we have a problem. I don't know how and when but mu phone now has version 1.15.. and I know it came with 1.13. Well I have some pictures and I tried to send via bluetooth, but phone doesn't give me the option to send. it says send via sprint or outlook.. no bluetooth. I also saw beam.. but I figure that irda. I made sure BT is on and is working.. I had laptop discover it... but this thing doesn't gimmie an option to send to anyone via BT.. pls tell me I'm not the only one with this issue.
Another prob... on my today screen.. my the voicemail icon says 1... and there is no mail in my acct.. and I did the clear voicemail icon...and it still says 1.. wats wrong wit this thingy?
Last edited by Romeo5k; 03-21-2008 at 12:57 PM.
Reason: changing title and adding more info