Originally Posted by colonel
This is assuming that your SYS is virgin and intact.
always helps to ask others.
thanks colonel!
Originally Posted by jakdillard
My take on all this ...... I have really never like to port xip or sys . Whenever I do a rom I like to use an "official" or "original" build ..... the only reason I've done any porting here lately was for wm6.1 ... in the past when I was making titan roms I tried getting into all of this and what happened was that when I brought over a xip or sys I also brought over the problems .......
The tutorials I wrote were just the quick way that I found to do this.......... the old way is very .... well sometimes it can be time consuming
Yeah, I figured that would be the only reason.....for an upgraded OS. It sounds like when we do get a new official ROM, that it will still be 6.0. One thing that stuck in my head, is a question you asked in your challenge to chefs...... "If a new official rom was released tonight would you guys be able to clean it out yourself or would you have to wait until someone doe's it for you". Well, your tut on porting should serve much value when the new official is released....Thank you!!
Originally Posted by dereknjenny04
I found a thread over on XDA where Bepe describes how the version is determined.
It is the {guid}.DSM file in the \SYS\OS directory. You can use his pkgtool to view the OS Version.
cool...thanks, I'll try to find it.