Originally Posted by kariya
You left out Dereks rom, which is one of the popular ones as well.
Aww crap i knew i had to have missed one... and I'd change ti but there's a limit of 10 on there.... if i get some time i'll pm all the people who voted other.. see who they use.. my guess is its probably all derek as i didn't think there were any others and there was an extra spot.. so i threw in other just in case.
Yea and no one take this the wrong way at all.. its not meant to say your a particular rom isn't good.. or anything like that.. personally I'm just wondering what people seem to prefer right now so i can use it as a jumping off point. I don't have a lot of time right now to try them all... and i'm sure for each person its different. Nevermind those who aren't voting. Plus if someone seems to have missed someone's rom they might be more inclinded to try it out if they know others have tried and prefered it.