Originally Posted by Ovendoor
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
BTW- I do respect Brady, but as an Indianapolis resident, I'm contractually obligated to hate the Pats.
Same here Peyton is definatly nice.... Its kinda like Im obligated to hate the yankees.
Nah no cheating going on. If you think that the whole spygate thing made any difference in any game your crazy. Anyways at least tom and randy get a round two. Aright enough of the **** talkin. Its all in good fun. HAHA
Caddie I have been out all day too. Im not sure if Im gonna do any tomorrow either. Ill start with the Pats. I was gonna do that one a while ago anyway and never got to it.
So Ill start there.
Then Im not sure were what league you want to do. NFC or AFC let me know and Ill start it after the Pats..