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Old 03-20-2008, 12:02 PM
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Re: JD's Official WM6.1 Basic Premium and Full

Originally Posted by 3sgtetouch View Post
Hey JD I've been testing this rom all day, I was running another one and I was having my phone lock up on me, too many times to count, I couldn't make a phone call without having to soft reset my phone after every single call.
With this beta I've had it lock up on me just once while using the video sites link, trying to stream videos. But not a single lock up on any calls.
There is a problem with the touch keyboard where as for certain inputs(like switching to symbols) while in xt9 it doesn't move to the next character, it just over writes the word that was highlighted.
This rom is lightening fast, even on start up. Only problem I see is my signal reception at the top doesn't show me as having any reception, and I haven't seen it ever listing when I am in 1X mode or evdo mode.
Data connection is grey'd out on the com. manager

But Most importantly it is very stable, and I have not had any other problems, will test some more tonight, and let you know if I come across anything else.
How did you get the beta to work and can never get it to downlaod with out giving me a rar error

Never mind I found the new file

Last edited by JRANGER; 03-20-2008 at 12:08 PM.