Originally Posted by missshavonne
To answer the question-- you get a Touch--
I got home last night ready to have my baby back-- only to open the box and be SAD--
I called Lockline/Assurion-- whatever they are now-- and was informed that a memo was sent out stating that HTC was taking awhile and there was no ETA for moguls so to keep people from being without a phone they were told to send out the Touch--
When I explained to her that I couldn't work with a phone without a full keyboard-- it didn't go over to well-- I was told how when you file your insurance claim it clearly states that you will be provided with your phone or something SIMILAR-- and that was my similar and there was nothing I could do about it-- After a while longer of debate I was transferred to a "specialist' who tried to offer me the 'Q'-- once again something that wasn't going to be a go-- got a long speech on nothing she could do-- then she just so happened to open her email and saw a new memo sent out stating they had the mogul back in stock and I should have one by tomorrow at the latest--
wow. i know that had to be frustrating! glad you didnt take 'no' for an answer though.