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Old 03-19-2008, 08:04 PM
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Re: Close app with hardware button?

Originally Posted by chetlet View Post
Using a Touch but probably not specific to there any way to make a hardware button automatically close the screen/application that you are currently using? So i'm using CodyPPCs threaded SMS, i have the Touch camera button set to bring up the Today screen on a short press. We know that the threades SMS app has issues displaying notifications on the Today screen if you don't close out of it all the any way to force a hardware button to close out of whatever app is currently in focus? Or force it to send a message similar to pressing "OK" so it closes that screen?
I use quickmenu 2.7 and assigned the camera button (1 click) to ok/close and set the quickmenu to close with the OK button. This way you can close app with the hardware button. I have a touch as well.
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