Originally Posted by Dogitude
Where do people download those cool looking today screens and how does it work with putting them on phone and stuff
Many of them are available here on the forums on various threads and others can be found at xda-developers site and googling for them.
Well to google or to do a search you have to sorta know atleast the name of what you are looking for, so it's hard without having any idea.
The link posted as a reply here for you shows some of the today screens, most of the posters mention the names of the programs they used to make thier today screen look the way they do.
Some post direct links to where they got it. But if you follow their threads you atleast get an idea what it looks like, what it does and it's name. You can then use that information to search these forums, other forums or even on google for the programs you liked.
Some of the popular freeware, shareware sites have some of the most used programs for smartphones, pocket pc, etc.. They are a good place to get started.
Here are some links;