Re: 3.35 Battery Killer. More like slaughterer.
Well, I'm going to cook another rom this morning... I left my phone all night and it's power only drop 3 % over night....I couldn't soft reset either, I pressed the button and it didn't work.... weird, I had to pull the battery to reset it, when that was finished resetting the button worked again???? I did leave the GPS plugin in the ON state all night as well.... I do notice that when I actually try to use Googlemaps with GPS is drains way faster than it did before tho, if I try to lock on fora few mins it drains the battery around 2 percent a min...... crazy fast.... and I can't get a lock anymore..... Ive tried a few programs to get a lock and I just can't..... I've got a few more things I'm going to try before getting a new phone.....
For me, it HTC Home or the customizer.... both of which had newer versions so I upgraded both of them in my ROM.... So I'll go back to what I had pre-new radio.... and I'll post later when I know something more.....