Originally Posted by a1jatt
May be refresh. There is 5054 or 5055 with rom folder on the ftp.
You will have to use his partition table fixer tool ..
I have spent many days , i could not get it to work, it fails to boot. you will need copy partition fixer tool in tools folder and add ..\tools\partitionfixertool.exe os-new.nb.payload (you have to check spellings) in the batch file , otherwise nbmerge will crash.
where in the batch file do i add this? and i can use boot.rgu out of the 5054 base kit?
im guessing somewhere in this range..... thanks a ton
@echo Building OS-new.nb...
@cd ..\Temp2
@start /wait ..\Tools\imgfstonb.exe imgfs.bin ..\ROM\8004000-OS.nb OS.nb.payload
@del imgfs.bin
@start /wait ..\Tools\nbmerge.exe -titan OS.nb
@del OS.nb.payload
@ren OS.nb OS-new.nb
@cd ..
@mkdir .\Output
@move .\Temp2\OS-new.nb .\Output
@cd .\Output
@echo .... Done.