Contrary to what many people think the animation is not rendered by the Cube. The animation is actually a set of static
images that are displayed in rapid succession much like an animated GIF. The Stock Cube is made up of 33 "Frames" of
animation. Every frame must be changed for the animation to look correct.
Frames for the "Up/Down" Animation are named with a zero in front of the number, like so: A01.brn.
Frames for the "Left/Right" Animation are named with just a letter and number, like so: A1.brn.
There are also static Frames which are images of what the screen will look like when it is fully in frame. These are named
with a letter and the number zero, like so: A0.brn
All Up/Down Frames with brief explanation: (All files found in \Windows)
QuickDial (Static Frame A0.brn)
A01.brn - The first frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the QuickDial screen has risen about 1/6 of the way to the
top from the bottom.
A02.brn - The second frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the QuickDial screen has risen about 2/6 of the way to the
top from the bottom.
A03.brn - The third frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the QuickDial screen has risen about 3/6 of the way to the
top from the bottom.
A04.brn - The fourth frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the QuickDial screen has risen about 4/6 of the way to the
top from the bottom.
A05.brn - The fifth frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the QuickDial screen has risen about 5/6 of the way to the
top from the bottom.
MediaHubMini (Static Frame B0.brn)
B01.brn - The first frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the MediaHubMini screen has risen about 1/6 of the way to
the top from the bottom.
B02.brn - The second frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the MediaHubMini screen has risen about 2/6 of the way to
the top from the bottom.
B03.brn - The third frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the MediaHubMini screen has risen about 3/6 of the way to
the top from the bottom.
B04.brn - The fourth frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the MediaHubMini screen has risen about 4/6 of the way to
the top from the bottom.
B05.brn - The fifth frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the MediaHubMini screen has risen about 5/6 of the way to
the top from the bottom.
Application Launcher (Static Frame C0.brn)
C01.brn - The first frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the Application Launcher screen has risen about 1/6 of the
way to the top from the bottom.
C02.brn - The second frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the Application Launcher screen has risen about 2/6 of the
way to the top from the bottom.
C03.brn - The third frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the Application Launcher screen has risen about 3/6 of the
way to the top from the bottom.
C04.brn - The fourth frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the Application Launcher screen has risen about 4/6 of the
way to the top from the bottom.
C05.brn - The fifth frame of the Up/Down animation. In this frame the Application Launcher screen has risen about 5/6 of the
way to the top from the bottom.
All Left/Right Frames with brief explanation: (All files found in \Windows)
QuickDial (Static Frame A0.brn)
A1.brn - The first frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the QuickDial screen has moved about 1/6 of the way from
the left to the right.
A2.brn - The second frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the QuickDial screen has moved about 2/6 of the way from
the left to the right.
A3.brn - The third frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the QuickDial screen has moved about 3/6 of the way from
the left to the right.
A4.brn - The fourth frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the QuickDial screen has moved about 4/6 of the way from
the left to the right.
A5.brn - The fifth frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the QuickDial screen has moved about 5/6 of the way from
the left to the right.
MediaHubMini (Static Frame B0.brn)
B1.brn - The first frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the MediaHubMini screen has moved about 1/6 of the way
from the left to the right.
B2.brn - The second frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the MediaHubMini screen has moved about 2/6 of the way
from the left to the right.
B3.brn - The third frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the MediaHubMini screen has moved about 3/6 of the way
from the left to the right.
B4.brn - The fourth frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the MediaHubMini screen has moved about 4/6 of the way
from the left to the right.
B5.brn - The fifth frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the MediaHubMini screen has moved about 5/6 of the way
from the left to the right.
Application Launcher (Static Frame C0.brn)
C1.brn - The first frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the Application Launcher screen has moved about 1/6 of
the way from the left to the right.
C2.brn - The secondframe of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the Application Launcher screen has moved about 2/6 of
the way from the left to the right.
C3.brn - The third frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the Application Launcher screen has moved about 3/6 of
the way from the left to the right.
C4.brn - The fourth frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the Application Launcher screen has moved about 4/6 of
the way from the left to the right.
C5.brn - The fifth frame of the Left/Right animation. In this frame the Application Launcher screen has moved about 5/6 of
the way from the left to the right.
05 F.A.Q's
Q: Why are my buttons in the wrong place?
A: Check to make sure you have named them correctly. the numbers follow the pattern of down one column, then down the next
Q: What program can I use to create the BMP files?
A: Just about any image editing software will allow you to create BMPs. If you're looking for free, Windows' built in Paint
will work. If you want a more feature-rich free image editor check out GiMP -
Q: Alright, I have the BRN files, now how do I get them onto the phone?
A: File Explorer will probably not let you put your new BRNs into the Windows directory because the files you are trying to
replace are being used. I would use Total Commander (
http://www.ghisler.com/pocketpc.htm). Rename your new BRNs to something
similar to the BRN you wish to replace, then copy it over to the Windows Directory. Once it is there rename it to the
original file's name. Then rename the original file to something else. That usually works for me.
So you've created your new icons and skinned your Cube. Congrats! Now it's time to step up with the big boys.
In this chapter I will describe how the Registry affects the Cube and how you can Mod your Cube to uber levels.
The Registry of Windows Mobile is an underlying structure of options for many programs. It is a database of sorts. The HTC
Cube's Registry Entries can be found at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>Software>HTC>Biotouch
Basic Registry Edits are the things that can be done from thisguyinoc's Cube Config Tool.
They consist of: Changing the Program Path for a Button and Changing the BRN for a Button
In the first Biotouch folder of the registry you will see several other folders or keys including:
APLauncher contains all the registry entries for the Application Launcher side of the Cube;
Biotouch contains all of the general and technical entries for the Cube;
MediaHubMini contains all of the registry entries for the Media Hub Mini side of the Cube
Button registry entries can be found in both the APLauncher and MediaHubMini keys.
Application Launcher button keys are named App0-App5 (6 total). Each Key has several sets of data.
They are (in alphabetical order):
Height - tells the Cube how tall this button will be
IconPath - tells the Cube where to look for the button's icon (.brn)
IconPressPath - tells the Cube where to look for the button's "pressed" icon (.brn)
Name - This string value will be displayed at the bottom of the button
Param(Optional) - tells the Cube what parameters should be added to the Path of the button
Path - This tells the Cube what Application wil be launched by the button (.exe or .lnk)
Type - tells the Cube what type of button this will be (default set to 0)
Width - tells the Cube how wide the button will be
xPos - tells the Cube where the top right corner of the button will be positioned on the x-axis
yPos - tells the Cube where the top right corner of the button will be positioned on the y-axis
MediaHubMini Buttons keys are named App1_1 - App1_3 (3 total). Each key has several sets of data.
They are (in alphabetical order):
IconPath - tells the Cube where to look for the button's icon (.brn)
IconPlayingPath - tells the Cube where to look for the button's "Playing" icon (.brn)
IconPlayingPressPath - tells the Cube where to look for the button's "PLaying pressed" icon (.brn)
IconPressPath - tells the Cube where to look for the button's "pressed" icon (.brn)
Name - This string value will be displayed In the center of the button
Param(Optional) - tells the Cube what parameters should be added to the Path of the button
Path - This tells the Cube what Application wil be launched by the button (.exe or .lnk)