Normal Memory Usage??
I have a brand new spring Mogul updated to the latest EVDO Rev A ROM that was just released.....
I am new to the world of Windows Mobile but am farily familier with computer hardware and software.
I have customized the mogul with HTC Home Plugin and the HTC customizer app....
I have also added about 70 voice tags to various contacts and applications...and thoroughly trained the handwriting recognizer/transcriber
My question is simply this:
I show that after a soft reset, I have about 21 Megs of memory free which shrinks down to about 19-20 as I start to use normal applications.
Some apps seem to be hungirier than others and the lowest I have seen on my phone is 12 megs free.....
The phone still seems to function fine even with only 12 megs free....
Does this seem about right??? "Normal" if you will for this phone???
I have no experience in this area.
If it is not alright----what steps could I take???
Thanks for any help or suggestions.