Originally Posted by LadySaat
InTheHand.Net.Handsfree,Version=1.6.51116.0 or one of it's dependencies is not found.
Then I get a .Net CF error saying I need it or a component of it. (Thought this had 3.5?)
I had stock, ran the new HTC one on Monday for the radio, unlocked w/ olipro 2.4, installed 5055, then DHB Slide2Unluck Pro, then IDTransfer, MarsWare Weather, then Poorlyducks stuff. I removed DHB S2U Pro, and then Marsware. That's it. I hard reset, will see if it comes back.
Other than this, the ROM has been awesome. I have no doubts I did something stupid to it that caused the errors.
seems like a reference error. which dependency is it looking for, perhaps it requires cf2. If you give me the exact cf error i can look into it.
Originally Posted by esqueue
Just a follow up on on what caused my problems. The dialer issue have been taken of. The calling and silent phone issue was most likely due to that fact that I didn't upgrade to the new sprint rom prior to installing this rom.
I'm sure that it has already been said but there will be problems if the new rom isn't installed first.
What I did was first, I installed the titan relocker. Then I flashed to the new official sprint rom. I then used the new 2.40 relocker. Finally, I installed No2Chem's 50.55 and all went well.
I did have a problem where it stoped at 75% but I recovered and started over successfully.
cool, i know some people are having issues with upgrading the radio, olipro 2.40 doesn't want to take it.