Originally Posted by esqueue
Here are the glitches that I noticed in 5053 as no one mentioned them. You can't dial ## codes, once you recieve a call, your phone goes silent and no sound works from either speaker and making outgoing calls can sometimes cause your phone to make loud noises and auto reset.
Downgrading to 5051 and possibly 5049 as I found no porblems in them.
Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining as there is no grounds to complain. Just compiling a list of glitches for all who are intrested.
Just a follow up on on what caused my problems. The dialer issue have been taken of. The calling and silent phone issue was most likely due to that fact that I didn't upgrade to the new sprint rom prior to installing this rom.
I'm sure that it has already been said but there will be problems if the new rom isn't installed first.
What I did was first, I installed the titan relocker. Then I flashed to the new official sprint rom. I then used the new 2.40 relocker. Finally, I installed No2Chem's 50.55 and all went well.
I did have a problem where it stoped at 75% but I recovered and started over successfully.