Re: Vote for Best GPS Software (more complete poll)
My wife has a TomTom and i tried it on my phone but there are a few major missing factors that iGuidance 2 cents
1. Text-To-Speech - once you used it for a while, it feels wierd without it and annoying, now cant use GPS without it
2. you cant just move the map around on TomTom, you have to click here then to this menu then here and now you can, iGuidance you drag around and done.
1. The maps are much nicer, actually liked the 3D maps on here, but always go back to 2D on iGuidance
2. Can use other better voices
I have found POI are what-ever for both. TomTom is missing major stores which i still dont understand and the maps seem to be the same in both. Im in NY, NY
is it that obvious?
WM6.1 + GPS = now i can tell my wife I know where we are lost
Thank me