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Old 01-31-2007, 02:04 PM
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Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN
I think the kitchens will make it easier though as we can mix and match the old and new drivers from the OS and LOC folders until we have a set that works. I'm sure some drivers will be better in the updated version, but others are probably the cause of the lockups. It will be a lot of trial and error i'm sure, but hopefully we'll be able to get a working 3.5 rom soon enough. Not as sure about a crossbow one though since it can't really be shared yet, but maybe soon enough?
Yep - work's still killing me (and will until mid week next week - sigh) but I'm keeping track of many of the interesting ROM Kitchen gotchas we're finding.

This one is important to not lose track of...
In OEM packages, we want to avoid as much as possible the file copy action, as in


in our initflashfiles.txt for an OEM package, as that makes a copy in storage memory, not ROM (which I really thought was not true, but others confirm is true) and eats storage memory, for anything but small (lnk) files if at all possible.
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