Originally Posted by bigdaddy-romie
hello Vega, i love the themes. i was wondering could you make a Boston Celtics, New England Patriots, and a Boston Red Socks theme for me. I went to your website and it wouldn't let me download the red socks. so i was hoping you could put one on here for me. i went through all 112 pages hoping to find one of them. I hope you can help me out......thanking you in advance...................... Romie
1. See post above my last post about my name
2. What error do you get when you try to download or does the download link not show up at all?
3. I'll do what I can but I don't give you any timelines so you have to been patient.
-= MeGa =-
Yes, I have closed my site and I'm in the process of moving. I do have all of my themes still and will upload them on request here. The best part about the themes is they were perfectly on Windows 6.5 Romz.