Originally Posted by cmajewsk
You're replying to topic that hasn't seen life in two years, about a phone which nobody uses anymore, that runs an OS that was discontinued and replaced years ago...why?
Says you. I still use a TP2 on the Stock 6.1 ROM. I actually played with an 8XT the other day in hopes i might want to upgrade finally... but after 5 mins with the device and 3 months with an Arrive using wifi, im not convinced to switch from the TP2 as it does EVERYTHING i need. Plus some software like WMWifi is free now due to the abandonment of WinMo so i didnt have to pay $30
Its people like you that make forums like this die a horrid death with your crappy attitude about anything not 5 minutes old. Bet your parents loved you when it came to the newest toy...
Oh, and SOMETIMES (gasp) i still use my Touch Pro!!!