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Old 06-14-2013, 03:58 PM
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AT&T Number change

Just going to hit the high points....

Moving my service from sprint to AT&T. I'm will also be relocating to Dallas early fall this year. So I just ordered my new HTC one, they provided me a local number for the new service even though I requested a DFW area code citing that numbers are regional (I'm in the great lakes region currently).

I'm carrying both my att and sprint phone for a while as I want to receive my job recruiters calls on the new phone (with a dallas area code). It's a fairly strait forward request...

Can Anyone familar with ATT and/or the rules help me out? Is what I'm asking unreasonable? Sprint will let me do it with my existing phone, but I'm not ready to transition away from that number yet.

Thanks in advance
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