late on the bandwagon...
been running this since yesterday, and just a couple of observations. i'm running 5055 on a HTC-6800, branded by sprint, and this is the first ever non stock i've ever run. my battery is on 68% right now. i took it off the charger about 11am and it is now 6pm. i made 2 phone calls, very short ones. i did have bluetooth on for a little over 10 minutes at one time and did a GPS thing for a couple of minutes. before i'd get to maybe 60% in a day with heavy usage.
the memory is at 12.3MB free with photo contacts pro, WA3, spb's time, mobile shell, and phone suite running. at bootup it is around 18MB. this is less than i was getting with a stock rom, all those progs, and HTC's home plug-in. then i was getting, about 19.9MB on bootup, and it would hover around 14MB. plus the phone is warm now!
anyone else getting similar conditions with this rom?