Originally Posted by sunny1974
the touch duo dialer is messed up i think.. it wud hang up most times.. i replaced it with the frog blue one.. this also hangs sumtimes..
i think voice command messes up with it ..
the dialing is giving sum trouble with this esp with bluetooth.. it hangs on the dialing screen often..
the 2nd most important trouble is the active syncing. on both roma i cooked it doesnt work .. it gives an error and this was confirmed by other 6.1 roms even on different phones on the xda forum..
in case u need the error msgs iv posted on my previous post here. the active sync is messed up every where .. i tried on 2 comps and the push mail also. so please sumone confirm this with me.
i think i l revert back untill these 2 issues of freezing when dialing and the active sync are tunned..
i still dont know if 2.0 .net is inbuilt in this rom or u need to select the 3.5 given in it.. that sure takes up lots of size..
I initially had the problem with activesync, but the problem turns up only when the ROM is right near the full point. Cut some stuff out of your ROM.
Pushmail I have been using for the past 24 hours with no issues.