Hi Tink

- Thank you so much for providing the ROM flash link and instructions. You are awesome!
I am having a problem syncing my VX6700 phone to my Windows 7 PC. As you may recall from my earlier post' I have not activated the phone through Verizon yet, but it is charged and connects to WiFi. I aspire to update the Windows Mobile OS from 5.0 to 6.5. My ROM version is 1.05.00 WWE and the bootloader is 1.00. I have down loaded YOUR file, but not unzipped it yet as I am unable to connect the phone and have it recognized by my computer.
I downloaded, and installed Windows Mobile Device Center 64 bit version for Windows7, not Active Sync (don't have XP). When I connect the phone, I get a message that says "Device Driver Software was not successfully installed" Unidentified Device (red X) device unplugged and Microsoft Windows mobile Remote Adapter (red X Device unplugged.
I am assuming that I need to sync to run the OS 5 to 6.5 upgrade. Could the problem be that Win Mob Dev Cent does not recognize Mobile OS-5.
I also downloaded, installed VZ Access Manager for VX6700 wireless, and have attempted to connect through, but that does not connecting either.
"Devices and Printers" shows that
PocketPC USB Sync is connected, but I don't see it like I would as a normal USB memory stick.
Sorry for the elementary questions. This is my first time attempting to do this procedure. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong would be much appreciated!