Re: How to upgrade an xv6800 with the new Sprint ROM
alright thanks for the correction I have made it past that part and have loaded the sprint rom and did a soft reboot when it said update in 3... 2... REBOOT.
Now i am trying to install DCD Kitchen but am having problems running the BuildNB.bat file. It will run but comes up and gives me an error " could not find c:\kitchen\buildpkg.wrn "could not fine file name specified"
Then says it cannot find romupdateutility.exe
Can you please help me out. Thanks I appologize it just seems to be giving me lots of hiccups.
**EDIT I think I may have figured it out. I didnt have C++ intalled I am going to try that now!
Last edited by kcmoney13; 03-15-2008 at 12:21 PM.