Re: [4/09/12] BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife v1.9.2
This is the first time I try to upgrade my daughter's BB9790.
BBSAK connects fine, I backed up successfully. I have downloaded and installed the latest 7.1 released on bb site (which will not allow me update through BB Desktop Software due to the fact that I don't have a carrier plan for it).
So I thought I should try your method.
BB Desktop shows 3 update versions - currently installed one (7.0) and the new 7.1 (twice).
After connecting BBSAK, Load OS gives me this message: "No OS found, Please install a OS for our phone". Again, the BB Device is correctly installed as BB Desktop recognize it.
What should I do next? Is 9790 fully supported by your 1.9.2 version of BBSAK?
Thank you in advance.
Last edited by ciprianmp; 01-19-2013 at 07:25 PM.
Reason: typo