Originally Posted by Image911
Hey Guys and Gals. Got a question for all you Wizard-o-philes... my brother has a Wizard that he uses on Unicel (their model P4300), and he wishes to jump ship and go to Verizon... using the SAME phone - sans the SIM card. Is it possible? I know that Verizon recently announced that it was planning on accepting other vendors' phones... has anyone heard of this model making the grade and becoming Verizonized...??? Your kind reply is greatly appreciated!
The phone is just a phone. The SIM card is the company access. If the phone is unlocked just replace the card and your phone is on the other network. If the phone is not unlocked then go here
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=285435 and follow the instructions and you'll be set.