2. Get your EPST
> a. download this file
here .. this is the getspl file (in zip form)
> b. This program GETSPC.exe is very simple to use.
>>>>run the GetSPC.exe on your phone and in the Input field
>>>>type in your ESN(Hex) in the input field (you wrote this down earlier)
> c. press <go>
> d. the number produced in the output field is your MSLNumber (EPST unlock code)
> e. exit the application
When I run GETSPC.exe I type in my Hex ESN press go and I get the unlock code, But when I type it in the unlock box and hit ok it says code failed please input again.
I typed it in with caps in getspc, it is a fresh hard reset, stock everything no dialers no customs what am I missing?
Telus HTC P4000 Stock WM6 PRO!