Originally Posted by Vycor
So I had a Treo 650 and decided time to upgrade. So I upgraded to the Verizon 6800. What a powerfull little phone. However, im not happy with it.
I text message, a lot... and its very hard to text message with this phone. The keyboards nice but I do a LOT of driving, and its impossible. Also, sorting through contacts, is a pain. Even with that nifty i-pod style scanning feature, its very hard.
Ive been looking at the Verizon 700WX now... any real downsides to the WX besides it not having the slide out keyboard and screen size? I dont care bout the camera, i have a real nikon camera for pictures... any other downfalls? I see it has windows mobile 5.0... is that such a big difference compared to 6.1???
maybe you shoudlnt be text messaging while driving. For 1 its against the law in the states, and for 2, maybe you are part of the reason for accidents + cell phones.
For 3, you have to be 'clueless' (nicest word i could find) to go to the treo from the mogul.