If we change 4052 for Outlook Mobile Version and 1.3 for AKU version,
change 192 for resolution,
change 0407 for language,
We can get many other update package to download.
Please refer to the following thread,
Microlinc :: Outlook Mobile Update fr Windows Mobile 6.1
The author has listed some download link for the following languages.
Deutsches Update (german update)
french update
italian update
spanish_modern update
danish update
swedish update
finnish update
norwegian update
portugese_brasilian update
portugese_standard update
czech update
polish update
greek upate
My question is that, we can not get the update for English,
If I changed 0407 to 0409 or even 0809,
The link will be broken.
Do you know how to get the download link for Englich version?