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  #105 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2012, 04:19 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 2.13.651.1 | Odex | Deodexed | v2.3 | Updated 1

OP updated w/ 2.3....mad props to mikeyxda for his help!!!

Data Wiping not needed, also included update only for deodex only


-Added MusicBox aka Extended EQ & Beats modes (thx Mikeyxda & lyapota!)
-Added Visible Recent Apps set to 16 (thx Mikeyxda & Steal25!)
-Added Multitasking Tweaks (thx Mikeyxda & zeppelinrox!)
-Added Sense 4.5 Camera (thx lyapota!)
-Added Google Authenicator
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