Originally Posted by Gman678910
Here's the error I always get: app_116@ Android:/ $ export PATH=/data/local/bin:$PATH
app_116@ Android:/ $ sh /mnt/sdcard/su.sh
sh: /mnt/sdcard/su.sh: No such file or directory
127|app_116@ Android:/ $
Please help.
It seems to me that you dont have the file in the correct place. Go to your file manager and find the /mnt/ directory, you will see a few different folders within it, one says External_SD and the other one says SDCard. The folder that is labeled SDCard is your devices INTERNAL MEMORY whereas the External_SD is the MicroSD card that you put into it.
If you have the file in the External_SD, you can opt to use this command:
sh /mnt/External_SD/su.sh
To make it clearer:
The file needs to be in your devices INTERNAL memory and not on the External_SD. The best way to make sure this is the case is to take out the MicroSD, then go to the /mnt/sdcard/ directory and see if you see the file (it must not be in /mnt/sdcard/downloads). also, make sure that the .zip file is unzipped (extracted) as what you need are the files inside the .zip file.