Originally Posted by EyeB
xda has a zip that you can flash google now onto ice cream, i've had great use out of it. That for searching/navigating and another app for setting appointments/alarms work fine for me
Yeah it's 2 apps, but i dont mind because i'd need a second app in iOS for navigation too
I'm on JellyBean so I don't need that file, but yeah I've seen it. I been rocking AOKP Jellybean for a while and it can't be beat!
Google Now is actually better than Siri, I've said things like "what is 5 x 5 divided by 12 x 1.5 x the square root of 82" really fast and Google Now had an answer in like 2 seconds, Siri had no clue what I was talking about
Originally Posted by Amamba
I looked at the phones, I think I like SGSIII just a tad more than Evo, but they both are mighty nice. It was a shocker thought that Sprint now charges activation fee for online orders. With that and tax, unless I can get some statement credit from them, the cost of upgrade is going to be near $250, which sucks. Wirefly is only $20 less.
You might look at the Galaxy Nexus. It's got essentially the same specs* and you can get a mint one from various sties for like $225 to $250 and save a contract upgrade.
*in daily performance, krait doesn't really outperform the OMAP processor in the gnex. Same RAM, same screen resolution, .15" difference screen size BUT with an actual AOSP official 4.1.1 update! I've used the One X, SGS3, and gnex and actually prefer the gnex as a daily.