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Old 08-27-2012, 02:35 PM
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Re: Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
yeah before Android and iOS came out. Look at market share, why would there be mostly WP content when almost everyone owns an Android device or iOS, and MS just killed off a 2 year old OS for a brand new one, so there goes their WP7 market while they try to build up 8.

Android you can modify, you can have a real development forum for it, you can develop ROMs, kernels, themes, launchers, hacks, tweaks, and much more. iOS you can't really have a forum for. There is NO successful iOS forum, they are ALL ghost towns. Even XDA, probably the most successful phone hacking site in the history of ever, own the site that barely has any traffic. It is closed source and the only thing worth talking about are Cydia tweaks and custom themes which are basically point, download, click.

WM was awesome because we had custom ROMs, themes, engines, versions, bootloaders, ports, etc... even though you had to actually be smart to fully utilize all WM had to offer.

WP7 killed all "real" development. Completely closed ecosystem, everything encrypted, even with HSPL no Android ports, no themes, no real changes and no real ROMs (other than the HD2). Even the WP7 forums on XDA were not half as popular as the Android ones, just a bunch of people too lazy to search asking the same questions about the same bugs.

so MS kills WP7 and enter WP8, which is not even out yet btw, and it's just as closed as WP7 and iOS, built on a different kernel than WP7, so now we need all new apps and SDKs and all that, they need to try to repopulate their app store which was already lacking compared with Android and iOS and compete with iOS6, JellyBean and KLP, BB10 (which IMO is going to fail utterly), and now that the Android experience is finally on par with Metro for smoothness (anyone who has used JellyBean on a Galaxy Nexus knows what I'm talking about,) with Project Butter MS can't even pull that "yeah well Metro is smoother than Android" card.

Eric, your blink zealotry to MS is what prevents you from actually prevents anyone from trying it out. WP7 and WP8 do have some pros and I am looking forward to trying out WP8, I will probably own a WP8 device because I am a tech junkie, just like I will own an iPhone 5 and the next Nexus line of Android phones. But constantly bashing the site and the staff and other members for just not agreeing with you will not get you any new followers of the WP8 fan club, it will actually detract people because they are going to think you guys are as bad as those iOS freaks who don't really know anything but what Apple says is scripture...
Actually that is incorrect, WP7 apps will work fine on WP8 so there will be 100,000+ apps available at launch. I don't think ICS or JB would run well on an HTC hero.