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Old 03-14-2008, 08:53 PM
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Re: BAF GPS Toggle, Beta Version 1

I'm working on a fix for the sleep (can't seem to find out why the problem occurs, it doesn't seem to be occurring all the time, but it is the GPS driver crashing). It will either involve detecting sleep and wake events and handling GPS at that point, or just locking the device full on (I'm leaning towards the events though).

But if the device goes to sleep and the gpsid driver crashes, GPS should be locked ON (not off) until soft reset. So it will still work, it's just going to drain your battery though.

I can't make just a straight up exe to turn GPS on and off, because once the program ceases running, GPS would go back off. However I could write an app that would sit in the background to keep GPS on, then when you run it again it hits a mutex and shuts GPS off.

I'm sure I can whip something up for you, actually, an exe that would put GPS data in the registry would be easier to code than that toggle on/off app. No issues to deal with, just get data and dump it in registry. I'll get something for you soon (can't promise as to when though, my week of vacation is over and I'm not sure when I'll have some free time).
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