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Old 08-18-2012, 04:37 PM
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Re: TP2 on it's last breath, need quick advice on new phone

If this is the premium data charge $10 fee you are talking about, the Arrive is one of the phones that is exempt from it. I have it, and don't pay this fee. There is very shoddy documentation within sprint about this, so you have to find the right people to get the right answers. Phones that do not have 4G and were released before a certain date (like the Arrive) don't need this fee. Some of Sprint documentation has the Arrive listed as one of the phones with the data charge, and that other document is what the system actual knows. 2 out of 5 people that I talked to at Sprint knew this. The system allows the Arrive on to the plan without the data fee. The Arrive is EOL from what I heard, so it wouldn't be a good idea to get it and have to sit on it for 2 years. I'll keep releasing my ROMs for it to keep it alive, though, haha.
Please hit under my post, if I helped you!
DONATE to leadpoizon.
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